Spiritual Activism Webinar
A sacred & secular beginner’s offering for any being seeking to commit to authentic anti-racist efforts and get more comfortable with your discomfort addressing white supremacy & oppression.
Folx will leave feeling more supported and empowered in their journey to better show up for themselves and the collective, and most importantly, in supporting folx of the global majority (particularly Black & Indigenous folx).
Open to all humans, especially (a) white folx wanting to learn how they can better support Black and Indigenous women & femmes, (b) folx of the global majority seeking tools to unpack internalized oppression, and/or (c) all those seeking spiritual tools & practices to assist in committing to anti-racism.
Pre-recorded Winter 2020. Each lesson is approx 90 mins. Includes guided meditations & transformational breathwork for release.
What You’ll Learn…
Learn the basics re anti-racism, intersectional oppression and how to address whiteness & white supremacy.
Better understand the ways white supremacy is internalized by folx of the global majority (and why)
Learn spiritual tools & practices to assist in committing to anti-racism and inclusion
Donate $
Donate $
I’ve made this a pay-what-you-can offering as I’ve moved onto more revolutionary work, but I know it continues to help many. #YoureWelcome
If you’re white I do expect you to contribute to my time & wisdom (on a per person basis)…otherwise its giving #exploitation
Spiritual Activism Webinar
Spiritual Activism 101
Spiritual Activism 102
SA 102 for White/White-Passing Folx
This online workshop is carefully curated for white and white-passing folx, particularly white women & femmes, to continue the sacred and (secular) spiritual conversation required for radical racial justice.
SA 102 for Black, Indigenous & Folx of the Global Majority
This online workshop is carefully curated for Black, Indigenous and folx of the global majority ONLY, particularly Black and Indigenous women, femmes and femme-presenting folx, to continue the sacred and (secular) spiritual conversation required for healing our internalized oppression and racial trauma.