White folx, keep goin’
This 65 min webinar is a deeper dive into anti-racism education and terminology (including spiritual bypassing & cultural appropriation). It includes:
practical exercises pulled from daily life to apply, discuss and share how to best act in allyship;
guided meditation to ground and connect;
closed captioning option; and
takeaway worksheet for reflection.
We will once again carve out brave sacred space, honor our challenges and cycle that shit up and out. Open to white and white-passing folks wanting to dive deeper in learning how they can best support Black, Indigenous and folx of the global majority, particularly Black and Indigenous women, femmes & genderqueer folx, and add to their toolkit of spiritual practices to engage in authentic anti-racism.
Note: Black, Indigenous & Folx of the Global Majority can skip to the next lesson which is SA 102 for y’all. For white-passing folx of the global majority, I suggest taking both this AND 102 for Black, Indigenous and folx of the global majority.
Download the webinar deck here.
This deck is copyrighted material & is not to be copied, reproduced or shared.
Please do share what you’ve learned here, and ensure to credit me (and all Black & Indigenous folx) for our wisdom & labor…every single time.